



absolutely vile for adults to be making those ‘actually weird kids who hiss in the hallways deserved to be brutally bullied’ posts btw. those are children. you are 25

‘oh uhhhhhhh abuse is great. children being abused builds character. somehow i think this is a very normal thing to say and definitely doesn’t make me sound like a 50 year old facebook dad with a qanon profile tag in the comments section of a post about spanking’

Also a lot of those so called “weird kids” were autistic or otherwise neurodivergent so when you say this shit, you’re being ableist af as well! 

i absolutely don’t disagree with this (and it’s a very useful thing to bring up), but i also think it’s worth saying: even if there isn’t a reason-that-this-is-bad tied to a larger form of social bigotry, it’s still bad. even when “the weird kid” isn’t autistic, or otherwise neurodivergent, or queer, or anything else, it’s still cruel and horrible to bully and abuse someone for being ‘weird’. i sometimes worry about this idea (not from you specifically at all haususpiria, just in general!) where people need to tie every cruel or harmful behaviour to a systemic issue in order for it to be taken seriously, and i think it’s just worth mentioning: even when the abuse isn’t ableist, specifically, or homophobic, or racist, or anything else, it’s still bad. abuse is a priori bad because it is abuse and it doesn’t need to be justified as bad in any other way