I feel like there’s not enough discussion in fandom writing communities about the important skill of being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. like 60% of fic would be improved drastically if these people sat for maybe 5 minutes and seriously thought about the mindset and worldview of the characters they’re writing. You can’t write interesting relationships or dynamics or much at all if you can’t see things from more than one point of view.This might be why “therapy speak” is such a common thing in fics. They don’t put much thought into things as small as verbal quirks or vocab, even though if you’ve ever spoken to a single other person you would know that they don’t talk the same way or use all of the same words you do for the same things.I’m starved for actual character conflict that is not as clear cut as “A is correct and B is obviously wrong, and they will apologize and reconcile in the next 2 chapters.” Characters disagreeing because of fundamental differences in their worldviews, characters disagreeing because there’s rarely a right answer only opinions of people who think they’re right, characters beating the shit out of each other or pretending to forgive each other or not knowing what to say or saying things they don’t mean or rejecting kindness or shutting down, because people process emotions in different ways. Give me that good human experience shit. Please stop making characters variations of the same fucking person. This turned into a rant ðŸ˜
You have to actually be able to write to do any of that.
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