

I always love it when a new person comes into the AA fandom because without fail every time they actually understand the characters and their fanworks reflect that. They’re actually in character.

Could you imagine how good the fandom would be if others revisited the source material instead of playing fanon telephone all the time? Instead of always relying on vague impressions of what they remember? God it drives me so crazy but it’s such a high when a noobie crashes in. He WOULD fucking say that.

I can’t stress enough how entrenched in fanon the AA fandom is. How badly everyone is flanderized. How picky I have to be with fic because otherwise I just get frustrated. When I was making my analysis video I was thinking the whole time, why am I even doing this? I’m just stating obvious stuff anyone could glean.

And then I interact with the fandom for ten seconds and realize, oh, right, most of you have never even thought about this and don’t even remember with clarity half the events I am talking about. The fandom does need shit like this.

Forever haunted by that time someone was arguing an AA plot point with me and they started quoting Narumitsu fanfic as an argument. They were 100% serious. It was the most exemplary moment.

Anyways, thank god for new fans. Thank god for people who replay the games. You are my brothers in arms. I would die for you.