Miles and Phoenix ‘sibling dynamic’ traits. (written as a thought experiment.)

  • grew up together in young childhood
  • Miles sticks up for Phoenix when no one else will, like an older brother taking care of a younger brother
  • they constantly banter and snark at one another but clearly care about each other deep down.
  • extremely competitive relationship, but if anyone else bullies the other person suddenly it’s not okay.
  • help each other when they’re in a difficult spot even when they don’t get along.
  • each act dismissive of the other and their methods and habits, lots of sibling teasing
  • Phoenix followed in Miles’ footsteps/became a lawyer in order to chase after Miles, much like a younger sibling following in an older sibling’s footsteps.
  • Often seem embarrassed by one another, or embarrassed that other people know that they care about each other.