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There Is a Light That Never Goes Out (300 words) by thesavagesabretooth
Three drabbles. Apollo is in the car three times when the same song comes on.
November 10, 2025– 9:15 am
Kristoph had the top down on his car, and the wind whipped through Apollo’s hair as they cruised down the highway toward the detention center to talk to their client.
The radio was set low, barely audible over the sound of the warm, rushing air, but Apollo caught a few bars of a song and reached to turn it up.
He hesitated.
“May I?
"You like this one, Mr. Justice?” Kristoph smiled. His hand brushed Apollo’s as he turned it up himself. “Me too, I suppose.”
As the aching music washed over them, Apollo’s boss put his arm around him.
June 20, 2026– 10:05 pm
They sped down the highway, top down, under the dark, starless LA sky. Klavier had the music turned up, belting out the lyrics to some new tune on the radio. His arm was around Apollo’s shoulder, and he wished he could feel as free as Klavier seemed to.
The music changed and a familiar song came on. Klavier’s expression changed with it– wistful.
“Ach, I love this one,” he murmured, turning it up further. “My brother and I used to…”
He shook his head.
“Never mind."
He belted out the lyrics to this one, too, and Apollo sang with him.
final part is under the cut
September 15, 2030– 2:45 pm
"And if a double decker bus crashes into us. To die by your side, oh what a heavenly way to die.”
They sat three across in Kristoph’s old convertible with Apollo in the middle, Klavier with his arm on the passenger side window, and Kristoph at the wheel.
How had they gotten here? So much had changed. Three prosecutors now. Apollo’s return to America, his career change. Kristoph’s deal with the prosecutorial office, his revised sentence, his community service. Klavier– still just Klavier.
The three of their voices joined the lyrics in harmony.
Apollo wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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