Ah, anon, I see we’re getting into questions about the darker side of the relationship. Very well! I’ll answer both for Harry and for Toko.

Marigold– Has s/i ever done something to make you jealous? Have you done anything that made s/i jealous?

Being honest, I can be a bit of a jealous and possessive man, quite irrationally. We’re polyamorous, and explicitly so, but sometimes Harry goes out of his way to tease me, just to get a reaction. The boy is quite the flirt.

Toko on the other hand is the one who sometimes gets jealous of my affection. Thankfully, I have an arm to extend to every lover.

Belledonna– Have you ever kept a secret from s/i, or found out they were keeping one from you?

We’re secretive by nature, admittedly, and all have our little side schemes and plots. Harry’s kept his addiction from me, on occasion when he slips back into it, knowing that I disapprove. We move past it.

Toko and I are more intimate in that way. I don’t know that I’ve kept anything from him intentionally, nor he from me, though there have been times when a revelation between us has to be worked past.


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