

Antis, why do you care so much what sexual thoughts other people are having?

Please understand you cannot police other people’s sexual thoughts and feelings without handing ammunition to the authoritarians who want to police all sex.

When you police people’s sexual thoughts and feelings you give power to the people who want to make abortion, cross-dressing and gay sex illegal.

When authoritarians say someone is a “pedophile” or a “deviant” they mean they are queer. When authoritarians call someone a pedophile or a deviant they mean everyone who isn’t having sex specifically for the purpose of procreation.

if you can’t tell the difference between pedophilia/rape and consensual sex between adults, that’s a YOU problem. some sexual thoughts ARE harmful! yes, even to queer people!

You are the people this post is about.

You’re either a moron who’s been suckered by authoritarian rhetoric

Or a secret authoritarian who wants to police other people’s thoughts.

Bye bye.