



“the prefrontal cortex doesn’t fully form until yr 25!!” y do u wish to take more agency away from teens and young adults. y do u refer to phrenology to inform yr worldview. I’m about to undevelop yr prefrontal cortex with a baseball bat if u don’t shut the fuck up

for the ppl who decided something they saw in a scientific american headline their friend posted counts as objective fact, from the Wikipedia list of common misconceptions:

it’s pop science. it’s pseudoscience. it’s phrenology. it’s not real.

Though it decreases in plasticity as we age, the brain never stops being able to change and grow. That’s why stroke rehab is possible.

#every time someone cites this ‘fact’
#as a reason why people between 18 and 26 are unable to self determine or consent to relationships
#my hackles go all the way the fuck up
#being young and figuring your shit out
#isn’t the same as being a little child with no agency or ability to make choices
#adulthood is temporal but it’s also learned
#and when you treat people like stupid children until they’re 25
#then you’re one weird conversation away from claiming that anyone under 30 can’t make choices or some shit

(tags via @bogunicorn​)

Bad news: there’s already noise from conservatives along those lines, and they’re currently testing it out on trans people!

Now, if you’ve ever met anyone who was treated like a child well into adulthood you know that that just pushes the Learning to Adult Effectively problem along and you get an immature 25-to-30-year-old, not one that’s wiser and makes no mistakes. Conservatives know this too, but they also know that keeping people infantilized is a great way to control them.

Reject the psuedoscience bullshit. No one learns and grows by being kept inside a little box.