Imagine your F/O pulling you into their lap, humming gently and brushing your hair as they hold you. or Imagine pulling your F/O into your lap, humming gently and brushing their hair as you hold them.
Posts Tagged imagine your selfship
Imagine coming up behind your F/O and pulling them backwards into your arms. You tuck their head under your chin, or rest your cheek against the back of their neck and rock back and forth gently with them, as they[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine grabbing your F/O’s wrist as they casually walk by where you’re sitting. As they turn toward you in surprise, you pull them down into your lap, and wrap your arms around them, cuddling them close.
Imagine your villain f/o with that utterly deranged, out of their mind smile on their face.
Imagine grabbing your needy, depressed, or low self-esteem etc F/O in your arms and holding them tightly, kissing them and reminding them that you love them, and that they are absolutely worthy of your love.
Imagine an afternoon nap with your F/O on a warm day, the both of you mostly stripped and laying in front of the fan together as a cool breeze blows over you.
Imagine your villainous F/O smearing a line of blood on your jaw as they stroke your face, their own already covered in crimson drops. They pull you in for a hungry kiss.
Imagine your villainous F/O grabbing your wrists and holding them together tightly. They push you down backwards as they pin you under them and straddle you, with an amused look on their face.
Imagine pulling your F/O close to you in your arms and absolutely covering their face with kisses– kissing all over their cheeks and jaw and chin, and forehead, and nose and mouth.
Imagine your F/O pinning you to the wall with the force of their body, their hand cupping your chin and jaw as they press a rough kiss to your mouth. opposite pov
Imagine pinning your F/O to the wall with the force of your body, your hand cupping their chin and jaw as you press a rough kiss to their mouth. opposite pov
Imagine grabbing your F/O’s hand and pressing it against your cheek, nuzzling them tenderly to get them to pay attention to you and show you their affection, while you show them yours.
This scenario is *my* weakness. π A villain who is cruel, or icy with the rest of the world, but you– you’re so precious to them. They’d never want to do you any lasting harm. They’d never do anything they[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine walking up to your villainous F/O while they’re sitting down somewhere and just– putting yourself in their lap. Putting your arms around their shoulders. And letting them deal with that however they’re going to. You have made yourself their[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Poly self shippers– Imagine you and your F/Os all packed onto and in front of the couch for movie night. You’ve got pillows and blankets and the lights are off, and you’re all sprawled out half on top of one[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Poly self shippers– Imagine you’re sitting on one of your F/O’s laps, when another F/O comes in the room and jokingly tries to sit on both of your laps, and you all end up in a heap together, laughing and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine getting to personally save your villainous F/O from whatever awful fate canon gives them.
Poly self shippers– Imagine being gently squished in bed between two of your F/Os and mercilessly hugged and cuddled.
gothic novel voice: “but wouldn’t be so terribly romantic if I did let my villainous F/O take everything from me, and ruin me and twist me into something unrecognizable as myself but unmistakably belonging to them?”
Imagine your F/O carefully helping you groom yourself. Brushing you hair for you, straightening the edges and hems of your clothing, looking you over carefully for anything that might be out of place.
Imagine your F/O casually draping their arms over your shoulders from behind, and kissing up your neck, and over your jaw and ears.
Imagine your villainous F/O kissing your forehead, and stroking your cheek. They promise you that everything is going to be alright. Of course you know they’re going to do something horrible. The question is whether or not that bothers you…
Imagine your villainous F/O standing behind you with their hands on your shoulders to give you confidence– and to intimidate everyone else.
Imagine your villainous F/O cradling you in their arms and whispering praises and flattery in your ear, telling you how proud they are of you. Bonus points if it’s because you just did something horrible in their service.
Imagine you and your F/O haven’t gotten together yet. You’ve been in the middle of a conversation. Things have perhaps, gotten a little heated– even a little ugly. You turn to leave, and your F/O suddenly grabs you by the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O coming up behind you and wordlessly putting their arms around you. They slip their fingers under the hems of your clothes, and teasingly brush their fingers over bare skin.
Imagine your F/o squishing your face in their hands and kissing you on the forehead.
Imagine your villainous or rough F/O leaving bruises on your skin from their kisses, or their touch and grasp. They brush their fingers gently over the sensitive spots where your flesh has changed color.
Imagine your F/O coming up behind you and wrapping their arms around you. They nuzzle and nibble at the back of your neck teasingly, stroking their hands over your chest and stomach.
Imagine sitting shoulder to shoulder with your F/O, half asleep on one another after some long, exhausting outing or adventure with them.
Imagine waking up early (or staying up late) and watching the sun rise with your F/O. You stand arm in arm in the cool, refreshing morning air, watching as the sky lightens through the grey of dawn, to a spectacular[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine kneeling at your villainous F/O’s feet with your head in their lap. With an amused look on their face, they reach down and pet your hair, or your cheek.
Imagine meeting your villainous F/O for the first time. They grab your chin in their hand, and turn your face this way and that, looking you over. A pleased expression comes over their face. Yes, they say, this one’s mine.
Imagine your F/O excitedly waiting for you to get back to them, and throwing their arms around you the minute they see you, absolutely covering you with kisses, and telling you how much they loved you and missed you.
Imagine your villainous F/O bending you backwards over a desk or table, their figure looming over you and overshadowing you as they hold you down, and consider just what they are going to do with you.
Imagine your F/O helping take care of you and sooth you when you have a rough or rushed morning. Getting you a fresh towel for your shower, laying out clothes and helping you get dressed. Making a hot drink for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine laying your head on your F/Oβs thighs. They look down at you with a soft smile, stroking their fingers gently over your face and neck, tracing your features with their fingers, winding them through your hairβ¦
Imagine telling your villain f/o: “I don’t care how much blood is on your hands, I want them on my body.”
Imagine your villainous F/O taking you by the arm and whirling you around, thumping your back against the nearest wall. They pin you down, their hand tight on your shoulder, keeping you from squirming, keeping you still as they steal[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine seeing your F/O absolutely covered in someone elseβs blood, and the very sight of it moves you to pull them into a passionate kiss. or Imagine your F/O seeing you absolutely covered in someone elseβs blood, and the very[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O excitedly waiting for you to get back to them, and throwing their arms around you the minute they see you, absolutely covering you with kisses, and telling you how much they loved you and missed you.
Imagine that youβre all worked up and upset, and your F/O just puts their hand on your cheek so gently, but firmly. They look you in the eyes and remind you that theyβre here, and whatever happens, its going to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O catching you in a tight hug from behind. They wrap their arms around you desperately, resting their face against your face or shoulder. The weight of their body as they sag against you, and the weight of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Poly self shippers– Imagine laying across the laps of several of your F/Os as they sit close to one another, and they all pet you and chatter lightly and call you by your favorite pet names.
Imagine your F/O sitting on your lap, and putting their arms around you, and their head against your shoulder. Or Imagine your extra large F/O kneeling in front of where youβre sitting, leaning into you and putting their arms around[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your villainous F/O coming up behind you and wrapping their arms warmly around you from the back, pressing their chest up against you, and nuzzling their face to yours. As you squirm, their hands shift position, and to your[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Thereβs a fascinating type of game of trust to be played with a villain F/O, where you and they play act out the villainβs violence together, but you trust them not to follow through all the way. Trusting villainous F/O[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your villainous F/O using their body to pin you with your belly against the wall. They overwhelm and overshadow you from behind, reaching one arm around your chest and shoulders and cupping your chin for a moment before they[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine falling asleep on a chair or couch and waking up with with your F/Oβs coat or jacket thrown over you like a blanket.
If your F/O has significant body hair– imagine playing with it, gently or teasingly. Running your fingers over the hair on their arms, chest, stomach etc. Feeling the texture of it, whether thick or fine, under your fingers. Maybe even[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O coming up behind you, scooping their arms over yours, and hugging you around the chest. They press their cheek to you, and rock you back and forth.
Imagine your F/O coming up behind you out of nowhere, scooping their arms around your body and kissing the back of your neck, or top of your head.
Imagine your F/O buying or creating a set of clothes they want you to wear, and helping you dress. They carefully adjust how it sits on you, tugging hems and cuffs into place, and straightening your collar. Afterward they look[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There’s a fascinating type of game of trust to be played with a villain F/O, where you and they play act out the villain’s violence together, but you trust them not to follow through all the way. Trusting villainous F/O[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O coming up behind you, scooping their arms over yours, and hugging you around the chest. They press their cheek to you, and rock you back and forth.
Imagine watching your villain F/O with their sleeves rolled up, cleaning and caring for their favorite weapon.
Imagine your F/O taking you out dancing. They whirl you during the fast, exciting dances, and hold you close during the slow, romantic ones.
Imagine your F/O petting their fingers through your hair, stroking your cheek, and kissing your temple.
Imagine falling asleep on a chair or couch and waking up with with your F/O’s coat or jacket thrown over you like a blanket.
πππππ multiple f/os! filling a whole booth or table when you and your F/Os go out to eat. negotiating who sleeps in what spot of the bed with your F/Os. Happily walking in on your F/Os being cute with each[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O refusing to give you your clothes in the morning, or outright hiding them from you, in a playful attempt to stop you from leaving for the day.
Imagine cuddling in bed with your F/O and they lay their head on your chest.
Imagine your villainous F/Oβ¦ One day, you’re at schoolβΒ or at work, or at homeβ wherever you are, it’s just an ordinary day like any other, filled with the same tedium and schedules. The same boring and frustrating patterns of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine laying with your F/O on the couch, the two of you comfortable and drowsy, draped over each other’s bodies as you listen to music together and doze.
Imagine your villainous F/O using their body to pin you with your belly against the wall. They overwhelm and overshadow you from behind, reaching one arm around your chest and shoulders and cupping your chin for a moment before they[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your villainous F/O coming up behind you and wrapping their arms warmly around you from the back, pressing their chest up against you, and nuzzling their face to yours. As you squirm, their hands shift position, and to your[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Who can wait for later? Make out with your F/O while you’re insulting one another! π
Imagine a road trip/unlikely buddies movie about two or more of your F/Os from separate sources teaming up for the first time to rescue you from danger or get you out of some other situation. Would it be a comedy?[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your villainous or killer F/O letting you help them kill someone for the first time. They give you their favorite weapon or implement to do it with. They whisper words of encouragement. They know you have it in you…
Imagine cuddling on the couch with your F/O and sharing a drink together. One of you leans on the arm of the couch, while the other snuggles up against them, throwing their arm around the other’s shoulders. You clink glasses[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O bringing you a mug of your favorite hot drink. They press the mug toward you and as you take it in your hands they put their hands on top of yours and smile at you.
Imagine your F/O sitting on your lap, and putting their arms around you, and their head against your shoulder. Or Imagine your extra large F/O kneeling in front of where you’re sitting, leaning into you and putting their arms around[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O creeping up behind you secretly, and peppering kisses on your neck and shoulders.
Imagine your F/O catching you in a tight hug from behind. They wrap their arms around you desperately, resting their face against your face or shoulder. The weight of their body as they sag against you, and the weight of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your killer F/O carefully wiping all the blood off of their hands before they touch you. They touch your face with hands so recently stained. But clean, for you. They pull you into a kiss.
Imagine that you’re all worked up and upset, and your F/O just puts their hand on your cheek so gently, but firmly. They look you in the eyes and remind you that they’re here, and whatever happens, its going to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine participating with your sadistic F/O in their favorite form of painplay. The expression of pleasure on their face at every little noise they manage to get out of you… The pleasure you feel along with the delicious agony they[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine laying your head on your F/O’s thighs. They look down at you with a soft smile, stroking their fingers gently over your face and neck, tracing your features with their fingers, winding them through your hair…
oh this one’s gonna be for a niche audience. Imagine dying in your villainous F/O’s arms. They keep telling you everything is going to be alright. That they’ll make it right. But still the life flows out of you, and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine standing out in the cold in the middle of the night with your F/O gazing up at the stars. You have your arms around each other and you spend a long moment in quiet, shared wonder at the night[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine finally romantically connecting with the F/O you’ve had a crush on for a long time. All that built up yearning and pining, the hesitation, the being sure that your feelings weren’t returned– but they were. Whether they confess first,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your villainous F/O cupping your face with both hands– no, smooshing it with both hands– and telling you smugly how adorable you look all tied up like that.
Imagine your F/O coming up behind you and scooping their arms around your shoulders. They rest their head against you–on your head, or your shoulder, or against the back of your neck– and sway gently back and forth with you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine you’re sitting and your rough F/O pins your shoulders to the back of the chair with their grip, their knees on either side of your knees, overshadowing you and holding you in your seat with their body against you–overshadowing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O excitedly waiting for you to get back to them, and throwing their arms around you the minute they see you, absolutely covering you with kisses, and telling you how much they loved you and missed you.
Imagine your F/O coming back into your life after being gone for a long or short time. You grab them in your arms and bury your face in their chest, holding them and nuzzling them, letting the feeling and warmth[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O sitting with you and scooping you up into their arms when you need attention or a hug. They’re just so happy to show you affection in all the little ways that make you feel loved.
Imagine your rough F/O pinning you against the wall with a hand tightly on your shoulder. They put a blade to your throat to keep you still as they kiss you. You feel the cold metal on your tender flesh,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your rough F/O grabbing you by the chin and throat, turning your face back and forth to look you this way and that, their hand tight on your soft flesh. They throw you against the nearest wall and pin[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O holding you in their lap with their arms around you, as you rest your head on their shoulder.
Imagine seeing your F/O absolutely covered in someone else’s blood, and the very sight of it moves you to pull them into a passionate kiss. or Imagine your F/O seeing you absolutely covered in someone else’s blood, and the very[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
– F/Os who love you when they let you hurt them. π³π – F/Os who love you when you let them hurt you. π³π
π₯° The way they grab your face and lean in while you can’t push them away, touching you when you can’t resist. π The way they smirk, grin, and chuckle; they’re clearly enjoying themselves. π₯°The way they strut and swagger[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine falling into your F/O’s lap, tired and overwhelmed. They hold you and kiss you and pet your hair while just letting you cry your eyes out and be upset for as long as you need to.
Imagine your F/O rubbing and massaging your shoulders, back and neck, soothing you with their touch. They’re eager to help you feel better, and they can’t help kissing your head, neck and shoulders while they work on your tired, knotted[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O coming up suddenly behind you. They slip a hand around your chest, and their other hand puts a blade against the flesh of your throat. Your can feel their warm breath in your ear as they greet[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O seeing you sleeping on the couch or in a chair, and quietly bringing a blanket for you, to keep your warm. They don’t want to wake you up, but they can’t resist gently touching your cheek, and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your F/O helping you through your morning routine. Helping you wake up on time in the morning, even though what they’d really like is to spend all day in bed with you. Showering with you and washing your back[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…