Hazel hurled herself bodily at the woman in an attempt to tackle her to the ground without warning.

Her body collided with the woman’s, the handle of the gun jutting sharply into her stomach as she tackled her forward and into the statue’s base.

There was a crack, maybe it was the woman’s arm as she cried out in shock and fury under her, as the two of them collided into the ground with a thump.

Gasps, sharp murmurs of confusion, and eventually a few screams broke out in the crowd around them as people scattered backwards in the confusion of the moment.

“Freeze!” yelled one of the guards from the periphery, and Hazel could feel the hair on the back of her neck standing up….he must have been aiming a gun at her.

Hazel stayed exactly as she was, against the woman and the statue, keeping her pinned as tightly as she could despite the danger.

“Sir! This woman has a gun!” she explained sharply and concisely. She’d elaborate when needed.

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