
Reminder that if you’re a proshipper, you need to…

– Be ok with whitewashing/erasing identities

– Be ok with nazi glorification

– Be ok with people liking the idea of killing and maiming fictional proshippers

– Not complain about how a place is not a safespace for you

– Be ok with violence against certain groups being shown in a positive light (By your beliefs, since that is just a concept like rape, children, and animals, that’s OK. “But those groups are real!” Yeah and so are children, animals, and rape survivors. “But those people don’t own the concept! I’m not attracted to real kids, only ones that are fake! You can think about fake people in a way you wouldn’t think of real people!” So you agree that I should write minorities as whatever because I’m just exploring fiction? Great! No? Make up your mind.)

– Not harass antis (this includes breaking dnis)

– Not be angry at propaganda

– Not be fuming at offensive stereotypes in fiction (like that Disney Peter Pan scene)

– Not demand representation in fiction

– Not use the term purity culture for antis (yall complain about watering down words… then water down words)

– Filter anti tags and not put yourself in anti communities

– Not be upset when the only representation of a group is when they’re bad.

…or else you’re a hypocrite

Yes, as a proshipper you need to be okay with these things existing.

You don’t have to look at them, agree with them or personally give them a platform.

This is what antis don’t understand.

ETA: Also, you can’t both address a post to proshippers AND say proshippers DNI. That’s rather hypocritical of you, isn’t it?