Personally I don’t view myself as a full anti, while I do have some immoral ships some things make me uncomfortable and I try to avoid it where I can. However, I personally feel shipping with real people or like, the personas they put out is not entirely harmless as it is a real person, or at least how they present themselves. Mainly I’m referring to YouTubers here, seeing Markiplier x Reader content (which I do stumble across, rarely) feels like that much should be considered past the line of “acceptable”.Yeah it’s their persona they put on for the camera but that still feels a little too close to the knuckle. What’s your opinion on it, out of curiosity?
Hey pal, thanks for writing in.
Just want to make sure you know that you can be proship and still have things in fiction that make you uncomfortable and you wanna avoid. There are specific pairings and some general problematic tropes that make us really uncomfortable and we just avoid them.
What makes someone proship isn’t being comfortable with everything, it’s acknowledging that we can’t control what content others make, and that’s okay. It’s also totally okay to curate your own space and avoid whatever it makes you happy to avoid.
As far as rpf and shipping real people goes, I’ll be honest, I don’t understand what compels people to write about that stuff, but I also realize it’s not my business to police what they do.
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