Former whumpee– who thought they had run far enough, who thought they had become strong enough– getting that sudden, visceral, horrifying, crushing reminder that no one can escape their pain and fear forever.
Posts Tagged dark fic
Whumpee using their whole bodily force, over and over again to try to break through an immovable barrier. Bashing themselves against it again, and again, wrecking themselves with every attempt. Screaming and panting and crying until they physically can’t stand[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Caretaker was missing, or captured, and the second that they’re back whumpee grabs them tight and starts to sob into their chest about how worried they were, but caretaker pets whumpee’s hair and assures them it’s alright.
Depressed and lonely whumper who has no one they can trust or talk to in their life. who ends up chatting away to, and even emotionally unloading their feelings on whumpee. Depressed and lonely whumper who slumps down to have[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There is nothing more desperately, sickly romantic than a slow, inescapable seduction into villainy.
Caretaker been lying to whumpee. They’d been lying to whumpee every step of the way. And the worst part was that upon finidng it out, whumpee realized they didn’t care. It didn’t matter to them if caretaker was actually whumper.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So fucking addicted to toxic, messy ships. Give me the angst, the drama, the pain, the longing, the heartache, the frustration. Give me the ‘we can’t keep going on this way, but I can’t imagine ever stopping’.
Whumper holding whumpee in their arms and realizing with shock that whumpee is dying. Whumper realizing that this time they have gone too far, and now they have to fix this somehow, or they’re going to lose whumpee for good.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumper smears whumpee’s blood over their skin with their fingers, and then licks the blood off of them. When whumpee expresses shock, disbelief, or disgust, whumper puts their fingers in whumpee’s mouth to give them a tastel.
When whumper digs their fingers deliberately into whumpee’s injury, and whumpee suddenly can’t stop themself from screaming.
Whumper grabs whumpee by the chin, their nails digging into the soft flesh around whumpee’s mouth and throat. Whumper draws them close– face to face– piercing gaze boring into whumpee’s eyes with an as yet unspoken threat or promise.
curiositysavesthecat: Trigger warning: mention of rape AO3 writers and/or readers, should a fic that is rightfully tagged Dubious Consent in the Additional Tags section also be tagged as Rape/Non-con in the Archive Warning section? Yes, dub-con can still be seen[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (63782 words) by VickytheSnake, thesavagesabretooth catch up here A sheltered young artist with a tragic past finds herself caught in the web of dark affection by a beautiful and sinister murderer, and his carefree[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee’s wounds from where they were bound. First raw and wet and raised. Later rough, and dry and flaking. Angry, pink flesh puckering to interrupt unbroken skin.
Whumpee’s wrists and shoulders aching, bearing all of their weight while whumpee has been chained up and left hanging from the ceiling by their arms.
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (57000 words) by VickytheSnake, thesavagesabretooth Summary: A sheltered young artist with a tragic past finds herself caught in the web of dark affection by a beautiful and sinister murderer, and his carefree rockstar brother.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee waiting for help to come while they try not to bleed out. Whumpee holding tight to their bloody wound as best they can, taking deep, slow breaths. Whumpee feeling the hot, slick blood all over their fingers, and knowing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Bound whumpee already on their knees, kicked down from behind and laying prostrate in chains in front of imperious, sneering whumper.
blood, and sweat, and violence, and desperation, and agony, and tyranny, and sadism, my beloved.
Whumpee screaming their throat raw. Screaming until they’re hoarse. Until every attempt to use their voice hurts as bad as everything else. Screaming until the only thing that comes out of their mouth is choked croaking noise. Screaming, and screaming[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
That sounds extremely in character for him and I can see exactly where you would get that idea, and why you would headcanon that! I’m afraid I can’t immediately tell if this is meant to be a fun headcanon or[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“I’d die for you.” “Would you live for me? No, I mean would you live for me? Would you change yourself in every conceivable way to better fit my desires? Would you abandon any principle you ever had and pervert[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee’s burned, or bleeding back pressed against the cool kiss of a metal. Whumpee’s already broken skin dragged carelessly against warm, splintering wood. Whumpee’s bruised body, exhausted hitting the rough, wet cement floor. Whumpee’s wrists and ankles chafing on ropes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (52743 words) by thesavagesabretooth Summary: A sheltered young artist with a tragic past finds herself caught in the web of dark affection by a beautiful and sinister murderer, and his carefree rockstar brother. catch[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The seductive power of obedience. When whumper is trying to convince whumpee that pleasure and obedience are synonymous. When it’s obvious that obedience is the wrong choice, but it is tempting– oh is it tempting.
The precious last moment between lovers. The shaking fingers. The whispered promises of something after the end. The freeze frame on the final act of tenderness. Then cut to black.
Whumper who is physically larger than whumpee restraining whumpee with their body. Whumper pushing whumpee against the wall and pinning them there with whumper’s hand on their wrists. Whumper grabbing whumpee from behind and holding them tightly so whumpee can’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
When whumper drags whumpee’s face right in front of their own. By whumpee’s collar. By whumpee’s chin. By whumpee’s hair. By whumpee’s bonds. Whumpee can’t escape whumper’s eyes locking with theirs. Whumper’s breath on their face.
Lay Down Arms and Softly Fall (2852 words) by thesavagesabretooth Summary: Klavier had done it. He had shown his throat, and given his brother the weapon to cut it. He had admitted his weakness. All Kristoph had to do was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (48204 words) by thesavagesabretooth catch up here Summary: A sheltered young artist with a tragic past finds herself caught in the web of dark affection by a beautiful and sinister murderer, and his carefree[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee is rescued from whumper by caretaker. Caretaker spirits whumpee away like a knight in shining armor, taking them to their home where whumpee can rest and recover in peace– in luxury perhaps. Caretaker is soft and gentle and tends[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee who falls in love with whumper. Whumpee who falls in love with whumper despite their best efforts to hate them. Whumpee who falls in love with whumper in those moments of tenderness between all the pain. Whumpee who falls[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This scenario is *my* weakness. 💖 A villain who is cruel, or icy with the rest of the world, but you– you’re so precious to them. They’d never want to do you any lasting harm. They’d never do anything they[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (44125 words) by thesavagesabretooth catch up here Summary: A sheltered young artist with a tragic past finds herself caught in the web of dark affection by a beautiful and sinister murderer, and his carefree[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (40079 words) bythesavagesabretooth catch up here Summary: A sheltered young artist with a tragic past finds herself caught in the web of dark affection by a beautiful and sinister murderer, and his carefree rockstar[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine getting to personally save your villainous F/O from whatever awful fate canon gives them.
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (35287 words) by thesavagesabretooth catch up here A sheltered young artist with a tragic past finds herself caught in the web of dark affection by a beautiful and sinister murderer, and his carefree rockstar[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumper who is a smoker Whumper who enjoys a smoke after ‘working on’ their whumpee. Whumper who sits in a captive whumpee’s room and smokes. Whumper who blows smoke in their whumee’s face. Whumper who leaves a pack of cigarettes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumper cutting into whumpee. Watching the flesh part under the tip of their blade like cloth coming undone. The red beads of blood emerging from the wound and spilling forth over skin. The panting breath and agonized sounds of whumpee’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (30763 words) bythesavagesabretooth A sheltered young artist with a tragic past finds herself caught in the web of dark affection by a beautiful and sinister murderer, and his seemingly carefree rockstar brother. Kristoph Gavin[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Bad Company (Better Than No Company) (2782 words) by thesavagesabretooth Summary: When Miles is too busy to visit him, Phoenix takes solace in dependable Kristoph Gavin.– Day Unknown, ?:?? pm The hazy room smelled of cigarette smoke and cheap booze,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (25956 words) by thesavagesabretooth catch up here Summary: Kristoph Gavin has woven a dark spell around all the people in his life, and now, Vera Misham, once the victim of his poison, is the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
gothic novel voice: “but wouldn’t be so terribly romantic if I did let my villainous F/O take everything from me, and ruin me and twist me into something unrecognizable as myself but unmistakably belonging to them?”
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (19271 words) by thesavagesabretooth catch up here Additional Tags: Ambiguous Relationships, Dubious Morality, Post-Canon, Inappropriate Behavior, vera has a crush on the man who almost killed her, Extremely toxic, Vera Misham-centric, Kristoph Gavin-centric, not[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee on their knees. Whumper pushing whumpee down by their shoulders to their knees. Whumper kicking whumpee’s legs out from under them to get them to their knees. Whumper pulling whumpee up from their belly to their knees. Whumper grabbing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (14252 words) by thesavagesabretooth Additional Tags: Ambiguous Relationships, Dubious Morality, Post-Canon, Inappropriate Behavior, vera has a crush on the man who almost killed her, Extremely toxic, Vera Misham-centric, Kristoph Gavin-centric, not ship not not[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Kristoph never minded bringing his little brother to choir practice, until the director asked if Klavier could sing with them. He had always been praised for his voice, but Klavier sang like an angel. When the spotlight shifted, and the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Head Games, Law Games (4969 words) by thesavagesabretooth first part here Summary: Phoenix Wright thought that the strange game between him and Kristoph Gavin had ended for good when he put his lover and rival in jail for murder. But[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your villainous F/O kissing your forehead, and stroking your cheek. They promise you that everything is going to be alright. Of course you know they’re going to do something horrible. The question is whether or not that bothers you…
First whumper uses physical violence to train whumpee. Pain is the great teacher. When whumpee has been trained to respond to pain, then the actual violence isn’t needed. Then all whumper needs is the threat of violence, and whumpee responds.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Extremely compelling in a twisted, psychological horror/thriller sort of way. Klavier clearly is psychologically and emotionally damaged by his relationship with his brother, whatever that relationship was or entailed. Kristoph is a controlling, emotionally manipulative person who demands attention, and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
9. A emotionally manipulates B knowing full well they’re doing it. Kristoph put his hand on Apollo’s, stopping him as he reached for his coat. “You’re sure you can’t stay late and help me? I’ll take you out to dinner.”[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
30. A and B are running out of time Thinking back on the moment, it was easy for Apollo to feel like he’d somehow known it would be the last time he and Clay ever kissed. “The launch is in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“Rules are made to be broken, and the broken are made to be ruled.”
Imagine your villainous F/O standing behind you with their hands on your shoulders to give you confidence– and to intimidate everyone else.
Robot whumpee laying on the engineering table in pieces, half aware in low power mode as caretaker gently looks them over and inspects them to find out how serious the damage is. Caretaker’s hands deep inside the delicate, complicated inner[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (8940 words) by thesavagesabretooth Additional Tags: Ambiguous Relationships, Dubious Morality, Post-Canon, Inappropriate Behavior, vera has a crush on the man who almost killed her, not ship not not ship but a secret third thing,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumper menacing whumpee, as whumpee cowers in front of them, trying to stand defiant. Whumper takes a step forward, whumpee takes a step back. Again. And again. Until finally, whumpee finds themselves with a wall behind their back, and nowhere[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood? Miles wished that Phoenix wasn’t so damned attractive when he’d been drinking– it made it harder to tell him he should stop. But there was something deliciously[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (3645 words) by thesavagesabretoothWarnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Ambiguous Relationships, Dubious Morality, Post-Canon, Inappropriate Behavior, vera has a crush on the man who almost killed her, not ship and not not ship[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
My absolute favorite kind of mentor and protege relationship is when the mentor absolutely cares about their protege and wants them to succeed –but they are passing on lessons that are just so, so incredibly toxic and harmful, fully believing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your villainous F/O cradling you in their arms and whispering praises and flattery in your ear, telling you how proud they are of you. Bonus points if it’s because you just did something horrible in their service.
You are going to have better luck finding what you’re looking for on AO3 in this case. Resident Evil fandom on tumblr specifically has recently had a bit of a fandom war over this very topic, unfortunately. There are some[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“Dark content” is a very broad brush, anon. What are you looking for? You’ll find things more easily if you’re looking for a specific type of content.
“You don’t understand!” Whumper grabs whumpee by the collar with both hands and forces their back against the wall, pinning them there under whumper’s body. Whumpee cringes as whumper snarls in their face. “You don’t understand and so help me[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Head Games, Law Games (2467 words) by thesavagesabretooth Summary: Phoenix Wright thought that the strange game between him and Kristoph Gavin had ended for good when he put his lover and rival in jail for murder. But when Miles Edgeworth[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine your villainous or rough F/O leaving bruises on your skin from their kisses, or their touch and grasp. They brush their fingers gently over the sensitive spots where your flesh has changed color.
Whumper grabs whumpee tightly and sharply by their collar and pulls them close, face to face. They brush their fingers over whumpee’s face lovingly and watch the fear and uncertainty in their eyes as whumpee wonders what whumper is going[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I love flawed, morally dubious characters who don’t realize when they’re in the wrong, and have complex, multi-layered, messy romantic and sexual relationships where they make mistakes, have miscommunications, prioritize their feelings over their partner’s sometimes, and accidentally or even[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“Hey, sorry I murdered your loved ones and tried to murder you. That was pretty fucked up of me, huh? Would you like to have an inappropriate sexual relationship with me about it?”
sals-sonic: “But they want to kill each other!!” that’s the point you dumb fuck “But they hate each another!!” that’s the point you dumb fuck “But they have an age gap!!” that’s the point you dumb fuck “But it’s not[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee couldn’t save caretaker. Whumpee wasn’t even there when caretaker was killed. The news stopped them cold. In a way, it stopped their heart. Now all whumpee can do is lay in a pile of clothes that still smell like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
✨ Write the stories you want to write. ✨ Don’t let anyone shame you for the type of stories you write. ✨ Don’t let anyone shame you for writing fanfiction, or for writing any other fiction that isn’t seen as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee with their lips parted, looking tired and vulnerable. Their shoulders slumped, their hair damp with sweat, their chest heaving as they breathe.
the-bar-sinister: I really, really think it feels way better when I get 1 (one) kudos on my weird little fic about an unpopular pairing than when I get 50 kudos on a fic in the fandom’s big pairing with tropes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“small batch, artisanal child soldiers” “custom, made to order living weapons.”
Whumper puts their cigarette to their lips. and inhales a long drag from it. They close their eyes and savor the tingle on the back of their throat. They blow out a long stream of smoke, and smile. “You and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee is slammed hard into the wall behind them, hearing more than feeling the sickening crack of their head hitting the cement or brick. As nausea and dizziness overtake them, whumper takes the opportunity to deliver more physical punishment, with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee seems to be watching their own body in a distant haze as the claws dig into their belly and rip the flesh of it open. There is pain– oh god there is pain, whumpee watches their own body shudder[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee who smokes Whumpee who’s having nicotine withheld by whumper as part of their whump. Whumpee who breaks down and begs their whumper for a smoke. Whumpee who will do whatever their whumper asks for a smoke. Recovering whumpee whose[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumper who is very touch-starved and affectionate toward Whumpee. Whumper who doesn’t feel safe or comfortable touching someone who might be able to hurt them– physically or emotionally. Repressed whumper who’s affectionate and touchy with whumpee because whumpee’s opinion of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Prisoner whumpee thinks they have a chance to escape. Puts their plan into action, and thinks they’re home-free. But just on the edge of freedom they find whumper there, waiting for them. Smiling. With backup. “You did so well to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Seeing people in *fandom* of all places now– in the nerdy weirdo hobby for rejects and freaks-– seeing people in fandom reject “being weird” and embrace and glorify “being normal” causes me actual physical literal pain. In my day in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So many people claim to support people with mental illness, trauma, etc but then turn around and go “ewwwww, you write RPF?” or" Ewwww, you write (insert weird fanfiction thing here)?“ My pal (theoretical reader)– where the fuck do you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Going forward if I see you use “weird” as a synonym for immoral, harmful, illegal, disgusting, or unacceptable, I am just going to treat you like you’re Becky from the middle school mean girls club.
Whumper partners who hunt for whumpees together. Whumper A who uses themselves as bait for Whumper B to catch whumpees. Whumper A who catches whumpees for Whumper B. Whumper A who pretends to be a friend to their whumpee to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee all bound up. Whumpee hung up dangling by their wrists. Whumpee bound with their arms tied behind a chair. Whumpee tied up on their knees with their ankles bound. Whumpee bound up spread eagle. Whumpee with their bindings biting[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Frightened, half-sedated whumpee on their knees in their cell, bound, hands and feet, unable to move more than to squirm against their bonds. Whumpee has been there for hours, cold, alone, half-conscious and frightened. Finally whumper comes in the cell[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee’s mind is filled with inescapable chaos and darkness and turmoil and noise as they sit alone in their cell awaiting whatever fate is meant for them. Whumper walks in and finally everything in whumpee’s mind is stillness, and quiet.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Okay but what about social battery whump, hear me out. Whumpee is perhaps an espionage agent, or a captive pet, or a hostage, or some other scenario– they’re forced into a situation where they have to act and act and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chemical whump… Whumpee struggling to put on their gas mask as chemical warfare agents burn their lungs. Whumpee who can smell the stinging scent of the acid that’s burning through the soles of their shoes and is about to reach[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
No peaceful sleep for whumpee. Captive whumpee who isn’t given a place to sleep. Captive whumpee who is kept bound in an uncomfortable day and night, with no way to lay down. Captive whumpee who is forced to sleep on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“You’ve had me here for weeks now. Please tell me you’re going to untie me. I won’t try to escape.” “Sorry, babe , trust isn’t won that easily.” “How can I get you to trust me, then?” “You could kill[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Recovering whumpee who was bound for a long time, and has scars from where their bindings rubbed their skin raw. Recovering whumpee who was bound for a long time and sometimes forgets they can use their full range of motion,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whumpee who cries. Whumpee who cries in great, violent, racking sobs that shake their whole chest. Whumpee who cries silently, tears rolling down their face as they refuse to move of make a sound. Whumpee who hugs themself and curls[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
captshipper: what it feels like being a writer who writes dead dove and the like
Whumper appreciating the helplessness and desperation of their whumpee. Whumper putting their hands all over their bound whumpee. Touching their shoulder, almost like they’re friends. Cupping their face almost like they’re a lover. Running their hands up and down their[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In Justice We Trust (84327 words) by thesavagesabretooth catch up here With Simon Blackquill and Athena Cykes assigned as their psychologists, the Phantom and Fulbright must grapple with their identity, their deeds, their future, and their love for the twisted[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Gun whump Whump holding the icy cold muzzle of a pistol up against whumpee’s quivering temple. Whumper cracking whumpee against the back of the head with the butt of their gun. Whumper making a threatening display to a captive whumpee–[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…