The problem is that antis don’t see harassing people as morally wrong. They see hurting proshippers as enacting righteous punishment upon them for the crime of having bad thoughts and creating art that inspires bad thoughts in others.
Posts Tagged shipping discourse
Absolutely agree, anon. It’s genuinely a shame when people are made to feel guilty over fiction.
Let’s continue today’s theme of antis not agreeing what counts as proship. I like (hate) that this anti has decided that a voice actors twitter handle makes something ‘canon’.
Just some more antis not agreeing what proship is, and eating their own. Seems like it must be the day for it.
LOL what was I *just* saying? Half the antis out there are shocked that the other half considers them filthy proships.
This is actually a really fun topic because about half of the antis out there ARE against anything explicitly sexual, horny, kinky etc, and half of the antis are shocked to find out that these other antis exist. Of course,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sadly, most antis aren’t really looking to protect anyone. They’re looking for an ‘acceptable target’ to bully and harass that they don’t ave to feel bad about being mean too. And they’ve been told by society that accusing someone of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Meanwhile, our internet was completely unmonitored our whole childhood. I was looking at dirty fanart of Jesse and James from team rocket on geocities pages. I wish antis could understand that it is okay and normal for them to curate[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The reading comprehension is non-existent. Apparently acknowledging that something is not illegal is the same as supporting it.
It’s illegal if it’s visual material indistinguishable from a photograph of a real child. As far as I’m aware there has been no case where written fiction about a living minor has been prosecuted in the United states. Again, I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Reminder: –“proshippers are pedophiles” and –“proship means you support incest and under age relationship in real life” are lies made up by antis to attack proshippers. Proship means you are pro (for) shipping, and you don’t police what other people[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This post is an embarrassment on every level. Yelling about proshippers with no context Rick and Morty fan but an anti Incorrect about what Tumblr bans Repeats sad, tired lie that proships are pedophiles
a site that allows works that profit off their oppression This is a meaningless and incorrect statement. First of all, AO3 doesn’t profit AT ALL. Second of all, hosting fanfiction doesn’t profit on anyone’s oppression. Other people’s fanfic is not[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
When we were in middle school, we were regularly mis-aged as being 18+ specifically because of the size of our bust. We were regularly both body shamed and sexually harassed for this trait, and gaslit to believe we deserved it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Antis really need to learn what an erotic thriller is, and understand why they’re appealing.
Remember; calling yourself an anti will not save you from being attacked and harassed by other antis with a more restrictive definition of proship than you.
“I shouldn’t have to say this” communicates nothing but their desire to telegraph their moral outrage to everyone reading.
๐ Fictional characters cannot be abused. ๐ Consent does not apply to fictional characters. ๐ The only question of consent in fiction is the consent of the author, and the consent of the reader. An author cannot write anything they[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I am seeing it more and more frequently. People want to have their problematic content but still tell everyone that they think proshippers are icky. Its…. frustrating. Its all because antis have twisted the meaning of proship so that people[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is super true, and its been shown to be true over and over. I really genuinely think that antis have a very unhealthy obsession with uncovering secret pedophiles. Not to get political but it reminds me of certain other[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Anon, I’m with you. Those attitudes are exhausting. Just let people do what they want in the bedroom and in fiction.
LMAO. The immaturity and entitlement in this ask is overwhelming. Firstly, the fact that you signed up to tumblr for “wholesome content” is a) hilarious, and b) your problem, not mine. Learn to curate your content; block blogs and tags[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And they will never (as a group) acknowledge this. V_V
I think what’s happening is that they tell themselves that the show isn’t “glorifying” or “romanticizing” it, whether or not that’s true; meanwhile they believe any fanfiction of the same topics is automatically supporting those themes irl. I feel like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
you are one mean anon away from becoming proship i know it. This is exactly what I mean when I say that antis are constantly policing one another, and turning on each other. Villainfuckers, please come to the proship side.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I wish I could tell you the logic behind it, anon, but I don’t understand it myself. But it very much does seem to be the case that antis love dark, gruesome, problematic fiction, and then want to hold the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Another day, another person saying “freak” like it’s a bad thing. V_V
Imagine seeing 11 whole fics total of something and thinking of was a big scary number. RIP to little mac enjoyers, sorry y’all have no content.
They could, but how would people know how moral and upstanding they were if they didn’t talk about how much they hate and want to hurt nasty icky proshippers? How would proshippers know how awful and icky they were if[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
No two antis have the same opinion of what’s proship. Every time I see an anti who likes dubcon or something posting about how they don’t understand why they’re being attacked by other antis, and that their ship isn’t proship[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I see two possibilities: Possibility A: they care about the feelings of fictional characters who they can control more than the feelings of real people with their own ideas. Possibility B: Misogyny and transphobia since the majority of fandom participation[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Cool? idk, but they seem to feel very righteous about it.
I don’t want to speculate how they react to these things in real life, because every possibility makes me sad.
All I will say is that one side is well know for harassing people and bullying them, and the other side is known for writing weird fanfic and protecting others right to write weird fanfic. I’m not surprised you’ve had[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Reminder: โจ Shipping something doesn’t mean you think a relationship between those characters is healthy, desirable or ideal. It just means you want to see content of it for any reason. โจ Being proship does not mean you support or[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Antis in the chainsaw man fandom really feels like the punchline to a joke.
After reflection, I decided to delete both of those csm posts, just because I don’t want to accidentally send anybody to their blogs. Here are the posts for archival purposes. (Camil is an anti and commander an ‘anti sjw’ I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Honey that’s proship. Either that or hypocrisy.
So I’m guessing someone in the spamton fandom turned out to be proship tonight, because spamton is the connective thread between the blogs in this trio of posts I saw in a row.
Where do I start with this post?
Great thread right now on Reddit about ships not needing to be healthy
I think part of the problem is antis seem to insistently define “shipping” as supporting a pairing as if you always believe its an ideal and healthy relationship.
I don’t think you’ll like the answer, anon. Most of these antis are from the western world, and most of them from the USA specifically. Western society is culturally christian, and america specifically is heavily influenced by puritanical ideas. The[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Antis don’t want to live in a world where other people think about sex they find icky :c
Antis don’t care about murder though, just nasty dirty bad sex. Actually that’s not true. Antis LOVE murder and violence! you can tell because they talk about murdering and doing violence to proshippers constantly.
proudfreakselfshipper: blackheart-biohazards: My favorite thing about antis is how they all agree what counts as “proship”. (sarcasm) I love how the age is the problem and not that light is kira and you know killed people with the death note[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
things-antis-say: yeah lmao, i knew they were batshit you didn’t have to tell me that also, it’s fine if you don’t want to label yourself, but… i feel compelled to inform you that “i don’t care what you do, as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
blackheart-biohazards: My favorite thing about antis is how they all agree what counts as “proship”. (sarcasm)
My favorite thing about antis is how they all agree what counts as “proship”. (sarcasm)
People are not obligated to produce only content that makes you personally feel comfortable. You are not owed a comfortable environment in all public media content spaces.
antishipping: noticing a LOT of antis (especially those that are on antiship tiktok) saying that proship means you “sexualize children” and “find children hot”. like.. we went from “proship means supporting problematic ships” to “proship means having problematic ships” to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
๐Pro-: prefix meaning for, in support of. ๐Ship: noun, verb; meaning romantic or sexual content between fictional characters. Proship: in support of romantic or sexual content between fictional characters. Proship: in support of people who create and consume romantic or[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
proship-confessions: . antis thing proship means “someone who ships things I personally find disgusting.”
mirlfds: November is here and this is still not over, because you want to continue with your hate posts towards me, it’s funny, since you came back with new meaningless things We will try to analyze the answer that Dupsy[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yep, that’s antis alright. ๐
You’re not anyone’s therapist, you are not more educated than the therapists who have said publicly and been harassed for saying that survivors processing their trauma this way is normal and not unhealthy. why do you want to call the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Imagine genuinely believing–enough to say out loud– that you believe that cruelty and emotional torture directed at strangers solves problems and should be encouraged. I find it very hard to put myself in those shoes.
Two things, screenshop OP: Firstly: when you post your work to a public archive, you do not get to chose who interacts with it except within the bounds of the controls that the archive you upload to extends to you,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“Boundaries for me, not for thee” is largely the anti way.
The nice thing is that occasionally an anti IS confused about what they are doing and WILL listen to someone and re-evaluate themselves when someone talks to them civilly. It doesn’t happen often, and it doesn’t happen with the ones[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The answer to this is much more complicated than the answer with regard to fiction that only involves purely fictional characters. It’s honestly not something I’m generally comfortable discussing, if only because it’s not relevant to me. I’m not a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
LOL are you me? I literally just did that ๐๐๐ I always hope they get more new followers than they lose.
If antis were curious people who were interested in understanding experiences and perspectives outside of their own, they would not be antis.
They’re bullies, and they’re trying to be as hurtful as possible. They believe that cruelty is a punishment, and that punishment is deserved or even corrective for what they perceive as bad behavior. When antis are hateful and mean to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
coockie8: just saw an anti on twitter say “No one jerks off or sexualizes fictional murder be fucking serious” and ngl my brain short-circuited a little. Like the echo chamber! Imagine pretending an entire sub-genre of porn doesn’t exist to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
They never seem to run out of them, do they? It seems like there’s at least one anti that’s scandalized by EVERYTHING. A lot of it seems likely to be performative to me but who even knows …