❣️ “Shipping” characters means that you are interested in the idea of what it would be like if characters were involved in a romantic or sexual relationship with each other. ❣️ Shipping something does not mean that you think that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged shipping discourse
aimandfire21: All shipping discourse on Twitter literally sounds to me like “I see you ship Lapis Lazuli and Peridot, but that’s Problematic cause Peridot is autistic coded and ace coded, so not only is shipping her asexual erasure, but autistic[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
blackheart-biohazards: If you are a person who: Has violent, abusive, harmful, or destructive thoughts Enjoys having violent, abusive, harmful, or destructive thoughts Enjoys fiction with violent, abusive, harmful, or destructive characters Creates fiction with violent, abusive, harmful, or destructive chacters[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
♦ It’s good to write fiction and make art about queer characters. ♦ It’s good to write romantic fiction and make romantic art about queer characters. ♦ It’s good to write sexual fiction and make sexual art about queer characters.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Thank you for not bullying people over fiction 💞 Thank you for not being a jerk to people who write or draw things that you don’t like.
Gay marriage? Transgender discourse? Kink discourse? I could probably go on.
Anon, I’m going to be real with you. I’m in the fandom that has a lot of actual 6000 year old dragon lolis in it. (Fire Emblem). And lots of people (outside anti communities) create lewd work of the 6000[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
the terf juice, anti porn, sex negative attitudes are all rooted in the same place, too. Conservative purity culture. Its all the same shit you see in Fox news filtered down into fandom spaces!
We are realizing more and more than antis have no concept of people who think and believe in a way other than the way they think and believe. Antis seem to believe that there is only one category of people[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
❤️🔥 There is nothing special and bad about sex in fiction. ❤️🔥 Abusive, ‘nasty’, illegal, or taboo sex in fiction isn’t any worse than anything else bad in fiction. ❤️🔥Reading or writing about a type of sex in fiction will[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yup. But it’s not about protection. It’s about ship wars. The morality is just a tool to bully people out of making ship content for anything that isn’t their ship.
Hi, anon. I understand that you’re going through a lot right now. The world is unfair, and it feels like there is very little in your life that you can actually control. I understand that lashing out, and saying cruel[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Just a reminder: ♦ Any content that is not against Tumblr’s TOS is allowed in the ‘main tag’ of a relevant fandom. ♦ It is not your duty or right to police the content of tumblr’s tags beyond what breaks[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“Proship” means you don’t believe people should be harassed, threatened or insulted for the fiction and art they create, even if you personally find what they’re making to be gross, upsetting or in some way immoral. “Proship” means you believe[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
words-of-holly: In light of certain reblogs to this account, I feel like I should clear something up for people who might be questioning or thinking some things about me. In my description, I use the term “ship and let ship,” which[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Antis: who do you trust to be in charge of censoring out things that you find harmful, without censoring things that you don’t find harmful, but others may? Please answer, remembering that you can not personally be in charge of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
👉 Creating or consuming fiction does not lead to taking action in the real world. 👉 Consuming fiction about things that are against your morals does not change your firmly held morals. 👉 Creating or enjoying fiction about immoral, taboo[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Pal, we don’t go here, and we don’t know nothing about this series, but you keep on shipping these toxic cookies no matter what. You got our blessing.
Pet ship could work, yeah. 🤔 I don’t think it matters what it is, so long as people use it. –🐸☠
Hybrid ship and crossbreed/xbreed ship both sound too much like they’re referring to potential offspring of the couple, which I personally find squicky and others might too. Dog ship or feral ship? I kinda like companion ship though. I feel[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hmm, I have no idea. There certainly might be a use for a term for “I don’t consider their ages when shipping them, and it doesn’t come up in the fic” if only for people who don’t like that to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
♥ I love you fans with fluffy ships. ♥ I love you fans with canon ships. ♥ I love you fans with popular ships. ♥ I love you fans with rare ships. ♥ I love you fans with self ships.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I feel you, fam, do not engage with any comments that you feel are sus. There’s no reason to. Also, would love to read this essay, but I’m a nosy guy.
There is no need to feel bad, anon. Shipping and fandom is for fun. You don’t have to participate in any part of fandom that doesn’t make you happy.
Yep. Up until The Voltron Discourse, and The Reylo Discourse after it, spicy ships were the norm. That’s because conflict is the core of good storytelling, and good storytelling is the key to an appealing ship.
I don’t know how to tell you that this is a really fucked up thing to post. Url preserved so you can block this person.
i fucking hate proship/anti discourse because i feel like the fact that those words even exist is fucked up. it takes an issue (that people are drawing porn of underage characters and posting that shit on the internet) and turns[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Can’t win ‘em all! I wish teenagers who wrote smut knew not to go around telling everyone how old they are. “On the internet nobody knows you’re a dog” as we used to say.
“But what if a child sees this content?” This content is appropriate for, and within the rules of the platform that it was posted to. It is not my job to moderate the content of a site to a higher[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
People of all types need to realize they will never be able to shove themselves in a box small enough to be accepted by the people who categorically hate them.
“fictional children can’t consent!!” Neither can fictional adults! They are fictional, they have no free will. They have no ability to give or revoke consent. They’re toys, they’re ideas. “fictional adults can consent if I write them consenting!” Sure. And[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I shouldn’t be surprised that an anti generalizes “all proship fics are badly written” because they accidentally read one fic once. Generalizations based on personal feelings and single data points are antis whole bag.
Hey pal, thanks for writing in. Just want to make sure you know that you can be proship and still have things in fiction that make you uncomfortable and you wanna avoid. There are specific pairings and some general problematic[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Speaking exclusively with regard to US law: I, an adult, am legally allowed to write whatever I damn well please. If I write sexual content, you, a child, are not legally allowed to look at it. Therefore my “pedophilic content”[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Antis can’t agree on what’s proship!
There is nothing wrong with enjoying: Queer ships Age gap ships Self insert ships Childhood friends to lovers Enemies to lovers Straight ships Ships with villains Shipcest Toxic or abusive ships Omegaverse Underage ships Adult x minor ships Any ships![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Exactly, the problem is that people who hate things have learned that they can co-opt the language of morality and progressive politics in order to control people through shame. People might not listen to “you can’t ship that because I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“fictional children can’t consent” I’m sorry I am still mad about this. Watching antis act like fictional characters on the page have some kind of free will, or rights that need to be protected is baffling and alarming. No characters[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Wow I love to see extremely racist purity wank first thing in the morning. “Fictional children can’t consent”. no one in fiction can consent, you dunce! Fictional characters do not have free will!
antishipping-positivity: Reminder that if you’re a proshipper, you need to… – Be ok with whitewashing/erasing identities – Be ok with nazi glorification – Be ok with people liking the idea of killing and maiming fictional proshippers – Not complain about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ship and let ship! 👉 Hate and harassment make fandom a toxic place for everyone. 👉 Hate and harassment decreases overall participation in fandom; it doesn’t just chase away people you don’t like. 👉 Hate and harassment discourages everyone from[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
They described themselves as an anti because language is not clear and distinct, and the antiship side has distorted the meaning of proship and antiship so heavily that it can feel meaningless. According to extremist antis, “proship” means to them[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
To the anti who sent us an ask and didn’t want us to publish it for fear of being attacked by other antis: Thank you for being so reasonable, and I hope you achieve the goal that you told me[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Happy holidays, anon! I’m so happy that you’re blocking people you don’t want to see the content of and curating your own experience online; a core proship value! I’m sorry to hear about your unfortunate streak of authoritarianism, and hope[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I wish we could all go back to saying “x is implied to be a y” or “the subtext is that x is a y” instead of “x is y-coded”. The “coded” language is all just button pushing meant to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Antis who are involved in rpf are so funny for realYou are in the absolute wrong place for that, bro
Exactly. The person whose post we shared is getting absolutely dogpiled and its sad to see. Please, figure out who your friends are!
Once again, antis can’t agree on what does and doesn’t count as proship! I had no idea there were rpf/minecraft antis!
Antis, why do you care so much what sexual thoughts other people are having? Please understand you cannot police other people’s sexual thoughts and feelings without handing ammunition to the authoritarians who want to police all sex. When you police[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
proshippers: “maybe instead of sending hate, we could all just be nice to each other and block people and content we don’t want to see.” antis: “OMG how dare you say my right to tell people who annoy me that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The problem is the majority of antis consider all fandom, regardless of source material, to be ONLY for kids. If you’re an adult they think you’re a weirdo who should get out of fandom. Any fandom. “Go do your taxes.”
imagine spamton and you slandering the proship/ ant anti/ comship tag because both of you know that proshippers suck and you want to slander them so badly Op, what do you think the word ‘slander’ means? Op, what do you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
If you are a person who: Has violent, abusive, harmful, or destructive thoughts Enjoys having violent, abusive, harmful, or destructive thoughts Enjoys fiction with violent, abusive, harmful, or destructive characters Creates fiction with violent, abusive, harmful, or destructive chacters And[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This assertion that antis like to parrot that proshippers “whole lives revolve around” their ships is a fascinating strawman. I feel like antis can’t conceptualize that life occurs offline, and your posting habits aren’t your “whole life”. Maybe it’s because[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Anon, you mean well, you’re broadly correct: the following is meant to spread awareness, not to shame you for not knowing. IQ is an inherently eugenicist and ableist concept and metric that does not help us understand anything valuable about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
📢 Moral and immoral are not immutable qualities everyone agrees on. 📢 You are not obligated to listen to people who tell you that the fiction you enjoy carries moral weight. 📢 Trying to dictate what type of fiction is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yet another anti who actually says out loud that they want to normalize bullying and harassment. Stay classy.
marshemillow: blackheart-biohazards: You cannot increase the agency of one group (children) by diminishing the agency of another group (adults). Censorship does not make children safer, because there is no safe authority to decide what is censored. Censorship takes away the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You cannot increase the agency of one group (children) by diminishing the agency of another group (adults). Censorship does not make children safer, because there is no safe authority to decide what is censored. Censorship takes away the tools of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Thinking about tropes, and comfort, and self care, and squicks and triggers and blocking this morning, and how different they are for everyone. What’s comforting to one person, might be a squick or trigger to someone else, and vice versa.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Antis stop deliberately misinterpreting and libeling proshippers challenge (impossible)
“Do you realize that whatever we fantasize about matters to God? He is intimately aware and involved in our spiritual development. As Christians, it is critical that we censor our imaginations, because wrong thoughts can easily become wrong attitudes that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I totally get feeling embarrassed about it. A lot of our opinions about rpf formed when we were 16 in high school and one of the girls in our friend-circle wrote a lot of explicit smut about the band Good[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Why get into the serious world of political advocacy when what you really want is an excuse to be mean and nasty to people online?
To me this sounds like a case of the reader interpreting the text in a way other than the interpretation that the original author intended. Which is always totally fine. The author is “dead” after all. This is exactly the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Children who deliberately violate their own boundaries and then cry that someone should have stopped them from being able to do so don’t get any sympathy from me. It’s like, do you want agency, or not? Why do you want[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Antis can’t accept that once something is out in the world, you have no control over how others perceive it or interact with it. Honestly it’s not just antis who act that way though, sometimes.
No problem, pal. 😾🔪 here, it was my post specifically, so here’s the context. (I’ll try not to ramble). personal irl background: IRL in this lifetime, I/we were raised in a household where our father had significant paranoid delusions, primarily[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
harassment is bad when you’re a borderline p3dophile you don’t deserve mercy or pity Child, you have to pick one. Also, not even ‘pedophiles’. Borderline pedophiles. Methinks you just have a lack of pity and mercy in your heart.
“Pretentious”. You mean we actually type full sentences, use paragraphs and punctuation? And spell check? Also, we’re the boring ones? Ya’ll can’t handle spicy fanfic. To my knowledge, Reddit doesn’t show you things you haven’t interacted with unless you’re on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“That ship is disgusting!” Yeah? So is ranch on pizza, but you don’t see my sending death threats over it.
That’s a hell of an imposing strawman you’ve got right there. Gonna bring him to life with some magic powder?
Dear antis: You can’t see into a writer’s mind, and you can’t know the intentions they had when writing something unless they state their intentions directly. When you read something and you feel like it is glamorizing, glorifying, or promoting[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The funniest (and worst) thing I have seen is antis who write fiction involving sexual assault, but claim that its fine for them to write, but its bad for anyone who calls themselves proship to write because proshippers “romanticize” it.
Proship Misconceptions 🚫 Misconception: A “proship” is a ship that involves problematic content. 👍 Reality: Proship means supporting the rights of people to ship what they want. “Proship” is a label for the person doing the shipping, not for a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It depends on the anti you run into. Some antis consider any age gap, even between adults to be problematic. Some antis who ship adult characters with age gaps are shocked to find out that those other antis exist, when[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Entitled people often seem to feel the right to demand that others produce content and works of art that conform to their personal desires.
And yet when you point this out to them they get SO MAD. If you don’t want people to group you with terfs, religious puritans, and fascists, don’t parrot their talking points.
If i write something violent, and someone unrelated to me reads my fiction, and then goes and violently assaults someone, that’s not my fault or responsibility. If I write something sexual, and someone unrelated to me reads my fiction and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Consuming fiction is not okay, but violently assaulting people is right and good, according to anti rhetoric.
Hey anon, it’s Harry. Thanks for sharing this with me. Honestly I can relate, personally, because I also prefer to write my own fucked up ships as sweet and happy. I enjoy a lot of shipcest, and I am ONLY[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I can say “hey maybe you shouldn’t accuse people who write fiction of promoting incest or pedophilia because making serious and harmful accusations equating fiction to real crime waters down the perceived severity of actual abuse” and antis will disagree[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Knowing that we were able to help somebody see this means a lot, anon. Thank you for reaching out to us. It helped a lot to read it today
Toko and Jack promised some evidence that Slenderman was associated with pedophilia during his origins. Here’s some old web discussions that imply that Slenderman’s love of children is less than wholesome. As a bonus, here’s something you won’t like. Accusations[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“motherhood and pregnancy aren’t comparable to drawn pedophilia or rape or incest, though, are they? @eerie-entityy do you realize that what you have just said is that you think that some people’s trauma and triggers are not as important as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Just because someone ships something doesn’t mean they believe that that relationship is healthy, ideal, desirable, or sustainable. People can ship things just because they’re interesting. Shipping something doesn’t mean you think its good or right. People don’t owe you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
What is triggering content? We talk a lot about how antis don’t seem to understand that the things that make them upset are comforting to some people, and the things that are comforting to them are upsetting and traumatic to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“like the Lord intended” These motherfuckers aren’t even pretending it’s not about religious purity. They straight up want to censor content that goes against their faith.
ATTN antis: No one cares that you hate proshippers. Your posts about how much you hate people with disgusting icky ships that are badwrong are entirely performative. Oh! Look how moral and pure you are! Oh! hating people over fiction[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I gotta agree. If we agree that antis shouldn’t be making “jokes” about violence against proshippers, then there’s no way in hell we can be okay with jokes about violence against antis without being massive fucking hypocrites.
just-antithings: crimson-corviknight: just-antithings: 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Isn’t “ships don’t have to be canon, or even be something that could reasonably happen in canon, to be enjoyable and interesting” like, Shipping 101? unfortunately antis failed shipping 101 and are unwilling to retake it
Please remember: ♦ No person is sole arbiter of what is or isn’t disgusting, upsetting, triggering, or immoral. ♦ What you feel is wholesome and comforting can be disgusting, upsetting, triggering, or immoral to another person. ♦ There is no[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
100%, anon. The presence of vocal antis does nothing but make fandom worse and more difficult to participate in for everyone, even people who don’t consider themselves proship.
People need to understand competing access needs. Its perfectly normal for some people to want to avoid fictional material related to things that oppress or traumatize them, and perfectly normal for some traumatized or oppressed people to want to seek[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Our take is that it’s rude, but also fine. You are under no obligation to be nice to someone who is being an asshole to you.
Just antis constantly policing and judging their friends.
Exactly! Tags are a filing system, they are not a private, moderated space. If something is not banned from tumblr, then it is okay to put in any relevant tag.
Tags are for organizational purposes. Tags are not communities. If people don’t tag their problematic content with the main fandom tags, then it not only becomes unsearchable, it also becomes unfilterable. What if I hate undertale, and I don’t want[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Antis will look for ANY reason why its “okay” to bully someone they have a problem with.
antis are always like “well we wouldnt care if you didnt promote it”and im half tempted to go “show me a post by a proshipper that EXPLICITLY SAYS “pedophillia in real life is good”. go on. oh wait you cant cause it hasnt happened”i do see a shit ton of antis promoting abuse by STALKING, HARASSMENT, DOXXING, VICTIM BLAMING, AND SUIBAITING.not so much of proshippers promoting actual real life bad things.-Joey from @antiproshipping
Its another antiship strawman argument. They invent proshipper boogeymen that aren’t real, to fight against.